SmartAgriHubs FIEs

SmartAgriHubs Flagship Innovation Experiments (FIEs) serve as benchmarks for other Innovation Experiments to strive towards. This is where technology solutions are put into practice. Flagship Innovation Experiments are conducted with the help of Digital Innovation Hubs which facilitate access to the latest knowledge and expertise, and technology support provided by Competence Centres.
They involve businesses that want to test and experiment with digital innovations and advanced technologies relevant to their products, processes or business models. Out of the European pool of  Innovation Experiments, 28 have been highlighted as Flagship Innovation Experiments based on a number of criteria such as: the innovativeness of the experiment; the endorsement by existing Digital Innovation Hubs; and the degree to which it unites end-users and technology providers, by solving various agricultural challenges. 


SmartAgriHubs FIE: Digitising Open-Field Vegetables
SmartAgriHubs FIE: Deep Learning and Hyperspectral Imaging – AI4AGRICULTURE
SmartAgriHubs FIE: Improving Responsibility in Livestock Production - DIG-ITfarm
SmartAgriHubs FIE: Ammonia Emission Monitoring Network - AEMON
SmartAgriHubs FIE: E-services Utilising Drones for Quantity Buyers
SmartAgriHubs FIE: Online DSS for Optimising Fertilisers – PULS for Fertilisers
SmartAgriHubs FIE: Autonomous Greenhouses – Smart Micro Farming and Large-scale Production
SmartAgriHubs FIE: Decentralised Trust in Agri-Food Supply Chains - Tracelabs
SmartAgriHubs FIE: Mower Robot for Vineyards
SmartAgriHubs FIE: Precision Farming in Agricultural Practices
SmartAgriHubs FIE: Smart Data Use on Arable Farms - Farmcube
SmartAgriHubs FIE: Implementation of ICT in Aquaculture - AquacultuER4.0
SmartAgriHubs FIE: Iberian Irrigation Portal
SmartAgriHubs FIE: Tracking Animal Movements and Health Records
SmartAgriHubs FIE: Data-driven Vineyard Precision Management - VINPREC
SmartAgriHubs FIE: Adopting Digital Technologies by Farmers
SmartAgriHubs FIE: Digitising Farm Machinery Produced by SMEs
Farm Sustainability Audit
Valued Grain Chain
Pig Health Assessment Based on Applied Sensors – Smart Pig Health
Sustainability Tool for Remote Assessment and Management of Farmland - STREAM
Sensoring and AI Algorithms for Early Crop Disease Detection - SAIA
Information System and DSS tool for Cereals Cultivation – Digi-PILOTE
SmartAgriHubs FIE: Decision Support Tool for Digifarmers – STRATE-GEEK
SmartAgriHubs FIE: Digitising the Dairy Production Chain
SmartAgriHubs FIE: Co-creation of Value and Innovations in Horticulture – AgriFarmLab
SmartAgriHubs FIE: Bee Monitoring and Behaviour Prediction
SmartAgriHubs FIE: Smart Groundwater and Weather Sensors